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Common Knowledge

What you may or may not know. 

  • Apparent age: 22-25 years (Physical.)

  • Age vs Time awake: 32-35 years. (Mentally)

  • Actual age: Never spoken of. 

  • Height: 5'7-5'8

  • Weight: 155lbs

  • Physical definition: Athletic, slightly toned due to working the forge more frequently, and currently indulging in routine physical therapy sessions.  

  • Mental status: Quietly stressed, with stable bonds that ground her. 

  • Aetherial Aspects: (Updated) Ny'ope once suffered from a severely damaged aether weave. It was to the point that it nearly took her off the star. With nine days locked within the Allagan Capsule she possesses, Ny has been returned hale and whole. 

  • Aetherial Weave: Now exhibits a highly complex definition. So much so it is a mimicry of the vascular system in that aether flows throughout every part of her body. The weave itself is intricate and yet condensed. A visual representation is perceivable as a soft silhouette that can be seen as a Miqo'te form. There are still very dismal residual traces of a sin eater and a voidsent. There may also be something else but for the moment and for the lack of better words, Ny'ope is as normal as anyone else. 

  • Physical Enhancements: Due to nine days in rehabilitation and medical care under Citadel. Ny'opes form exceeds the limitations a Miqo'te body has to offer. She is capable, strength-wise, of strength equal to or better than a Roegadyn and half of another. It has so far taken, a month and a half to learn to control the force. It will likely take a month and a half more to harness her full potential. 

  • Control: 100% Reflexes: 65% Speed/Agility: 55% Durability: 45% 

  • Sensory perception: Sight, Sound, Feeling, and Smell have been thoroughly enhanced. She can hear, see, and feel three times what she was capable of before. With, such changes come drawbacks, much like the physical realm, these increased perceptions have to be honed. 

  • Hearing: 175% (Sensitive to crowds, higher pitched noises like screeches, scratching, or dragging metal upon stone) Sight: 135% The Left eye displays a heads-up display or H.U.D. for Ny'ope. It provides intel via active scans when it is utilized. The eye itself is completely organic however and natural to her. The multiple liminal-like rings within it appear mechanical in nature and often rotate during a scan. They also provide a subtle backlight to that eye. (It too requires time to get used to and acclimate to its functions. The current adjustment is 65%) Smell: This one is rather the bane. Due to the heightened sense of smell, it can be and most of all, overwhelming. Things she didn't notice before, she may notice now. (Current State: 25% Acclimation)   Sensation: (45% Acclimation) Feeling, has never been a sense available to her. For nearly a decade the woman was numb to everything. She could never feel the heat, never knew what the cold felt like, or what cloth, leather, metals, and materials had for texture. She can now! It's been a curious development that she progresses slowly.

  • Demeanor:  Quiet, often reserved or reluctant to speak openly. Happily content with a solid anchor. Calculative. Alarmingly observant and aware. 

  • Tells: Motions of the ears. Genuinely active and suggestive. 

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What lies in the shadows

  • Things change, in this case, the changes were drastic. Ny'ope falls back to being a markswoman and infiltration specialist. She is highly skilled and walks a morally grey line at this time. 

  • With the third attempt against Lialle and the Escape, the Miqo'te is bent on establishing a forward operation base in Shirogane. Though she is, not as connected, word to the wise and perhaps among the shadows, is that she's looking for people. 

  • Her confidence now seems to be stable. Yet she may still be dismissive or offer some means of deflection. Many think she's a cute, big-hearted, wholesome Miqo'te, but while that is true, she seeks more information about the Black Koban. 

  • While she carried the sword and shield as a Paladin, Ny'ope behaved a little more modestly as well as maintaining an air of benevolence. That is no longer the case. The sword shall no longer subdue her hand and the shield will no longer stand at the ready.

  • While she will not act hastily, her attitude has become rather direct. She has a severe distaste for information being withheld from her.  

  • Finds solace in the shadows. This includes delving into less-than-legal places. While she has yet to commit any crimes, she finds them to be useful in regard to information. To her, information is a commodity again. 

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What dreams may come.

  • Ny'ope is intent on looking for professional individuals to establish an organization of her own. As of yet, it is quiet. 

  • There is every intention to continue to aid Lialle in taking on the Black Koban. If she had her way, that way would be paved in red. After the third and more violent encounter, Ny'ope is highly concerned and worried for the safety of her girlfriend. At the same time, the two are rarely seen apart. 

  • In order to keep herself focused, Ny'ope has begun to plan Nald's Fanfare for its second showing. As of yet, nothing has been decided upon, however, tentative plans may be in the works. She's begun to let individuals know about its second chance as it is. 

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